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The Surfer
Paddle out, duck dive. We focus on the arms, shoulders, and back. Once you catch the wave, it’s all about the obliques, quads, glutes, calves and hip flexors.

The Golfer
Perfect your swing, avoid taking a Mulligan. Focus on improving your rotation by loosening the hip rotators, back, hammies, wrists and shoulders. Go get em, Tiger.

The Cyclist
All that time in the saddle has taken a toll on your lower body. We’ll focus on the hip flexors, calves, hammies, quads, glutes, piriformis and release your lower back.

The Marathoner
You’ve run the 26 miles, now your IT bands hate you. Protect your knees by increasing the flexibility of your lower body up the posterior chain from ankles to hips.

The Triathlete
You’re a triple threat! Combo of The Cyclist and The Marathoner plus triceps, lats and pecs to enhance your stroke.

The Tennis Pro aka The Swinger
Ace it! Clay, grass or hard courts, your muscles and joints have taken a hit. Improve your range of motion in your upper body and lateral rotators. Goodbye tennis elbow!

The Influencer / Entrepreneur
You live your life on the phone, laptop or Zoom calls. Don’t let tech neck and back pain prevent you from bringing your A-game. CBD cervical neck traction to the rescue.

The Weekend Warrior
Last night was epic, but you’re feeling it today. We’ll help you get rid of those Sunday Scaries and ready for the week ahead. A full body recovery treatment.

The Polo Player / Equestrian
Pony up, ride-off. Improve your balance and grip in the saddle by activating and releasing your stabilizer muscles. Adductors, calves, glutes and core get extra attention.

The Jetsetter
Sitting on a plane is cramping your style and your hip flexors. Get loose and release tension before, after or during your next adventure.
